OpenAir data insights
Our mission is to improve health outcomes through data analytics. Delivering better policy decisions and smarter business practices
What is the OpenAir Breathe?
Breathe is a device and app that measures your peak lung flow in a single breath, and provides personalised analytics and data measurements in real time. Linking your lung performance to your external environment and the potential impact it is having on your health such as air pollution, pollen and humidity.
This is crucial information for people suffering a pre-existing condition such as asthma or COPD, but is beneficial for people without symptoms managing their health or peak athletes looking to achieve maximum performance.
Our data service provides unique insights on respiratory health and informative trends of illness such as asthma, COPD and COVID-19 in the population. We offer data analytics for both public policy making and business improvement via our unique platform to assess the impact of population demographics, location and environmental factors on our respiratory health.
Partner with OpenAir data insights today
Get in touch with us to see how our analytics services can help you achieve your goals or to request a sample report.
Data collection
Our data servers collect medically accurate information from our user base and pair with third party environmental data such as location, pollution, pollen and other weather information to demonstrate various correlations between population demographics and our environment on health outcomes for the first time. The data set is completely aggregated and anonymised, to ensure individual privacy and compliance with relevant data protection standards.
Information resulting from a user’s reading into the OpenAir Breathe is uploaded, aggregated and analysed constantly by our data team producing real time insights and reporting. We have the ability to produce standard or customised reporting and analysis to our partners in order to tailor to their needs, allowing them to make informed decisions and meet their objectives.
Improving health
These unique insights and reports inform our partners to make meaningful change and improvements; including better business practices relating to employee well-being, health and safety as well as better public policy decisions impacting pollution emissions in inner cities as well as tracking the spread of illness such as COVID-19.